0:00 General Introduction 4:22 General Sources On Agadah 7:30 Who was Rabbah Bar Bar Chana 8:19 Attacks on Agadah Gemarah throughout history 11:00 Did they actually happen? 15:50 Nevuah or Dream 17:50 Comic Relief; Wake Up The Audience. 18:40 Derech Guzmah and Not Literal 20:15 Kuzari's Approach 20:40 Ramban In His Famous Debate 21:51 Shelah; Deeper Meaning to Agadah 25:40 Rambam; Planned Work on Agadah 27:33 Rashba's Approach 29:35 R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach's Approach 34:05 Literature devoted to Rabbah Bar Bar Chana 37:49 Darchei Noam 39:50 R' Boskovitz 42:34 Gra's work 46;00 R' Eliyahu Gutmacher's
1:41 Kuntres Zichronos of R' Chaim about the Chazon Ish 2:55 What did R' Chaim do? 5:03 Mishna Berurah in the name of the Arizal 5:50 Shulchan Oruch Harav 7:35 What are the origins? 9:03 Rambam 11:02 Knesset HaGedolah and Olas Tamid 12:28 Magen Avrohom and Arizal 14:00 Source of the Magen Avhrhom in the name of Arizal 16:55 Achronim on Magen Avrohom in שמ'ג, Gemarah in Menchos 19:45 R' Yaakov Emden 20;26 Chida and Derech Chaim 27:20 Rashi In Shabbos 29:00 Every Minute that a Mezuzah is a Mitzvah 33:00 Thinking about 6 Mitzvos Temedios in the Bathroom? 34:30 Dovid Hamelech and sleeping when learning 35:40 A Melech Sleeping with a Sefer Torah and the Rambam 40:50 The Aderes and time of story of Dovid Hamelech in the bathhouse 42:40 Chazon Ish wearing a Talis for Maariv 43:16 Kabbalah and wearing a Talis Gadol at night
1:55 Mezzuzah Hanging; Straight or Slanted 3:56 Gra Opinion 5:20 Chazon Ish Opinion 6:10 Minhag of R' Chaim 7:15 Minhag in Worms 10:33 Checking Tefilin & Mezuzahs; How Often? 11:38 Mezuzahs and Magic 13:12 Checking Tefilin and Mezuzah 20:53 Chazon Ish Opinion 21:49 Minhag of Checking in Elul 22:30 Derush Sefer Shar Hamelech 24:18 Limud Zechus for those not checking 31:20 Techeiles 37:33 R' Chaim Kuntrus about Lefties 40:27 Wearing Rabbenu Tam Tefilin 43:15 Wearing Tefilin All Day 44:12 R' Chaim & Artzos Hachaim of Malbim
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0:00 Introducing Season 3 - R' Chaim and the 7 Masechtos 5:50 What are these Masechtas? 7:02 Maseches Gerim in Print 9:02 Why was't it published in 1714? 10:14 Chida & Maseches Gerim 11:30 Chida publishes Maseches Gerim 11:40 First Peirush Nachlas Yaakov 12;28 R' Avrohom Ben HaGra 13:13 Chida publishes second time with more material 13:55 First serious work on with these Masechtos 14:50 Are there other similar Masechtos? The Chida 18:14 -R' Avrohom ben HaGra and Gra about 7 Masechtos 21:10 First complete edition of 7 Masechthos 22:40 Vilna Shas publishes 7 Masechtos 23:18 Other works on 7 Masechtos 24:10 Hieger edition of 7 Masechtos 24:43 Mechon Talmud Yisraeli edition 26:25 Rishonim who had these works 27:17 Did Rambam have these works? How early are these works?
2:00 Letters between R' Chaim and R' Neventzal & their relationship 10:00 Letter related to Kabbalah 12:55 Saying not like Rishonim 16:50 Letters between R' Chaim and R' Simcha Waldenberg 18:05 Learning with a lamp on Shabbas 20:10 Longer Letters of R' Chaim 21:20 Teshuvos of R' Chaim: Daas Noteh 24:20 Contradictions in Letters of R' Chaim 26:20 Goals of Daas Noteh project 29:00 R' Tiger and his letters with R' Chaim 30:40 A Rav giving reasons for his Pesak 32:20 Benefits of writing briefly 34:00 Contradiction between R' Chaim Seforim and his Teshuvos 38:00 R' Chaim and Teshuvos of the Rogatchover Gaon An ALL TORAH original podcast. email: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com | schwedm@ou.org
00:00 Introduction 5:22 Doing Chessed vs Writing Seforim 13:52 Marbitz Torah vs sacrificing your own Torah learning 15:00 Rebbe gaining from Talmid - Hafla'ah 15:55 R' Zilberberg's letter 18:20 Why Rabbanim answer questions from people not part of their Kehilah? 19:27 What is a Rav? - Minsker Gadol 20:38 Responding to letters in all areas was the Chazarah for R' Chaim 26:00 Lengthy Teshuvas - "speaking in learning" 27:32 Correspondence between R' Dov Landau and R' Chaim [over 100 letters] 38:35 Davening Vaskin 39:38 Aveilus and R' Yechiel Michel Tukitchinsky 41:50 Purim related letter 46:49 New sefer An ALL TORAH original podcast email: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com
An ALL TORAH original podcast. To sponsor an episode: email: schwedm @OU. @ou.org Sponsor a day on All Daf: https://alldaf.org/dedicate
00:00 Introduction 2:55 - Clarifications and Additions to Likut Seforim episode 9:20 - Letters of R' Chaim 15:12 - Samples of Letters of R Chaim; Using Works of Saul Leiberman and R' Kehati 17:59 - Why does R' Chaim spend so much time answering questions? 22:20 - Serving the Tzibur at the expense of writing Seforim 25:00 - Rav's obligations to answering questions 30:00 - What the Aderet did when his Kehila was behind on paying him 33:38 - R' Chaim Volozhiner's Legacy: The Nefesh Hachaim 37:00 R Mordechai Gimpel Yafeh's Mesorah from Volozhin 45:20 New Sefer An ALL TORAH original podcast email: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com
0:00 Introduction 2: 57 - Steipler as a Posek 5:15 - Agunah cases; Paskening along with others 7:02 - Adnei Paz - Rabbonim who said not to rely on their own Seforim 7:38 - Pri Megadim 8:47 - Hafla'ah 9:19 - Nesivos 9:32 - R' Akiva Eiger 10:27 - Shach 10:55 - R' Moshe Feinstein 12:52 - R' Shimon Sofer Hisorerus Teshuvah 17:02 - The Maharsham's work 19:08 - Steipler & Maharsham 23:55 - Maharsham's first sefer The following Rabbonim & Maharsham 24:48 - Tchebiner Rav 28:15 - Darchei Teshuvah 29:30 - R' Isser Zalman Meltzer 29:44 - Chofetz Chaim 30:17 - Aderes 31:42 - R' Chaim Berlin 32:30 - R' Kook 35:44 - R' Elyashiv 38:54 - R' Herzog 41:47 - One Above has other plans 45:02 - New Sefer
This episode was sponsored L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Chaim ben Yitzchok Dovid 👉For more information about All Torah please visit: alltorah.org Sponsorships email: schwedm@ou.org Questions: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com 0:00 Introduction 2:20 Searching for Achronim: The Noda Beyehudah 3:10 Netziv on importance of Teshuvot 5:19 R' Chaim Volozhiner on collecting Teshuvot 7:58 - Why to be careful when using Likut Seforim 12:26 R' Tzvi Michel Shapiro seeking out Achronim 14:49 R' Debtilski and Likut Seforim 18:10 - Specialist seforim by experts of a topic: Likut Sefer on one topic 22:14 - R Yisroel Salanter and creating experts in topics 24:00 - R' Kook and his Journal Iytur Sofrim 24:50 - Mesorah on how Torah was learned in the Beis Medrash of the Balei Hatosfos 27:20 - Steipler on Likut seforim 31:00 - R' Chaim Kanievsky and Likut seforim 37:00 - Chazon ISh and Likut Seforim; the controversy how to write the letter Tzadi 44:10 - The Chazon ish and The Beis Yosef 53:33 - New Seforim
This episode was sponsored L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Chaim ben Yitzchok Dovid 👉For more information about All Torah please visit: alltorah.org Sponsorships email: schwedm@ou.org Questions: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com
לעליית הנשמות: שמואל בן משה דעבא בת שמואל
This episode is sponsored by: Eli and Eva Genauer in memory of Mrs. Ruth Genauer A”H of Seattle, Washington האשה רבקה בת הרב אברהם הכהן.
Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt Email: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com This episode has been sponsored l'refuah shleima: Avigdor Binyomi ben Frumit Perel
This episode was sponsored L'ului Nishmas Pesach Moshe ben Ephraim, Shimon ben Chananya Lipa Shmuel & Shlomo Zalman Ben Pesach Moshe
For more information contact: eliezerbrodt@gmail.com Download the All Torah apps by going to alltorah.org