Kesuvos 101b - The Machlokes Rashi and Tosfos: Is the Debter Obligating Himself With a New Obligation?
Kesuvos Daf 92: What Does "Achrayus" Take Responsibility For - Loss or Nullification of Sale? The Machlokes Rav Elchanan and the Brisker Rav
Kesuvos 91b: Is there a Mitzvah to Pay Off a Parent's Debt? - The Lomdus of R' Akiva Eiger, R' Elchanan, & R' Aaron Leib
Kesuvos 90a: Is a Non-Jew Who Converts Bound by His Original Marriage Contract? The Lomdus of Rebbi Akiva Eiger and the Nesivos
Kesuvos 88a: Rebbi Akiva Eiger's Answer to the Contradiction in Rashi of the Ramifications of a Biblical Oath Based on the Raavad's Question
Kesuvos 87a: Three Approaches to Differentiate If One "Pogemes Kesubasa" - Rebbi Akiva Eiger, the Hafla'ah and the Noda B'yehuda
Kesuvos Daf 81: The Question of the Rishonim, Maybe the Reasoning of Beis Shammai is Bari V'shema, and the Chiddush of Rebbi Akiva Eiger
Kesuvos Daf 80: Two Approaches Why a Husband is Not Reimbursed for Investing in His Wife's Property and Three Nafka Minahs