198. Safeguarding Our Health

31:7 When one is involved in his business to earn a living, his intention should be more than just to get rich. He should intend that he is working to support his family, to give charity, and to raise his sons to study Torah. As a general rule, a person should evaluate everything he does. When he sees that something leads to the service of God, he should go do it. If it doesn’t, he should refrain. One who does this will serve God his entire life, even when engaging in such otherwise-mundane activities as sitting, rising, walking, conducting business, eating, drinking, sexual relations, etc. This is what the Sages meant by “All your deeds should be for the sake of Heaven” (Avos 2:17). When he died, Rav Yehuda HaNasi said before God, “You know that I did not derive pleasure from the world except for the sake of Heaven” (Kesubos 104a). 32:1 Since a healthy body is necessary to serve God, we must keep ourselves away from things that are injurious to our health and accustom ourselves to things that make us healthy and strong. This is what the Torah means by “Guard yourselves well” (Deuteronomy 4:15).