199. Healthy Digestion

32:2 God created man with a normal body temperature that is part of his continuing existence. We have to “fuel the fire” of this heat with the food we eat. The food we digest nourishes the body and waste is expelled. This is expressed in the blessing of “Asher Yatzar,” that God created us to extract the good things from our food and excrete the useless matter. If waste were not properly expelled, we would become ill from it. Therefore the body's health depends largely on digestion. If we eat well, we will be healthy but if our digestive system malfunctions, one can become weak or sick. 32:3 Proper digestion occurs when one does not overstuff himself. Eating too much is bad for digestion because the stomach can’t function as well as it should, like a fireplace with too many logs doesn’t burn as well. We should therefore make sure to eat the right amounts for our needs, neither too much nor too little. Many illnesses are caused by bad foods or even too much of good foods. King Solomon said that one who guards his mouth and tongue also guards himself against poor health (Proverbs 21:23). One can eat a little of a “bad” food without doing himself harm, and a larger quantity of good foods.