1,555. Kal K'vuda Bas Melech P'nimah

Hilchos Ishus 13:10

Let’s say that a husband takes a vow prohibiting his wife from borrowing or lending household utensils that neighbors normally lend one another, such as a flour sifter, a sieve, a hand mill, an oven, etc. He must either have the vow permitted or divorce her and pay her the value of her kesubah. This is because a vow such as this affects his wife’s standing with her neighbors. Similarly, if the wife takes a vow not to borrow or lend utensils like a flour sifter, sieve, hand mill, oven, etc., or not to weave nice garments for her sons in a locale where the common practice is to do so, he may divorce her without paying her the value of her kesubah. This is because her vow makes him look like a cheapskate to the neighbors.

Hilchos Ishus 13:11

In a place where the accepted practice is that women don’t go to the market wearing only a cap on their heads but also a veil that covers the whole body like a cloak, a husband must provide his wife with at least the cheapest veil. A rich man must provide his wife with a veil according to his means. This is worn when she visits her father’s home, pays a shiva visit or goes to a wedding. Every woman must be given the opportunity to visit her father, pay shiva visits and go to weddings as an expression of kindness to friends and relatives, so that they will return the favor. A woman should not be stuck in the house as if it were a jail from which she can’t come and go at will. However, it is not considered appropriate for a woman to always leave the home to “hang out” on the streets. A husband should try prevent his wife from doing this more than once or twice a month. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman in her home as Psalms 45:14, “All the glory of a king’s daughter is inside.” [Clearly, this halacha may not represent accepted contemporary practice.]