1,556. A Metaphorical Prison

Hilchos Ishus 13:12

Let’s say that a husband takes a vow prohibiting his wife from visiting her father’s home. If her father lives in the same city, the husband has one month to have the vow overturned; if he doesn’t, he must divorce his wife in the second month and pay her the value of her kesubah. If the wife’s father lives in another city, the husband has through the soonest yom tov. If he has not had the vow overturned by the yom tov following that, he must divorce his wife and pay her the value of her kesubah.

Hilchos Ishus 13:13

Let’s say that a husband takes a vow prohibiting his wife from going to a shiva house or to a wedding. He must either have the vow permitted or divorce his wife and pay her the value of her kesubah because this is like locking her up in prison. If he says that he made such a vow because disreputable people were going to be at that shiva or that wedding and it was found that this was indeed the case, then making such a vow is indeed his prerogative.