1,527. Days for Kiddushin and Nisuin

Hilchos Ishus 10:14

A woman may be consecrated on any weekday – even on Tisha b’Av – either by day or by night. Weddings, however, are not held on Fridays or Sundays[1] in order to prevent Sabbath desecration caused by the groom’s preoccupation with the wedding feast. It should go without saying that a wedding is not held on Shabbos. Weddings are not even held on chol hamoed so as not to combine celebrations, based on Genesis 29:27, “Finish the week of this one (i.e., Leah’s wedding celebrations) and then I will give you the other one” (i.e., Rachel as a wife). It is permitted to marry a woman on any other day one wants as long as he spends three days preparing for the wedding feast.

Hilchos Ishus 10:15

In a place where the court only convenes on Mondays and Thursdays, a virgin should be married on a Wednesday. That way, if her husband has a claim regarding her virginity, he can take her to the court the morning after. The custom is to marry a non-virgin on a Thursday so that her husband will celebrate with her on Thursday, Friday and Shabbos before returning to work on Sunday.

[1] This halacha may not reflect readers’ practical experience.