1,528. Time Given the Bride to Prepare for the Wedding

Hilchos Ishus 10:16

If a man consecrates his daughter to another man while she is still a minor, both the girl and her father may delay the wedding until she becomes a naarah. If the groom compels her to complete the marriage, if is effective but this is not an appropriate course of action.

Hilchos Ishus 10:17

Let’s say that a man consecrated a minor, waited several years, and then sought her out as a naarah. The girl is given 12 months from the day he makes his request to prepare for the wedding; she need not complete the marriage before then. If he makes his request after she reaches the age of majority, she is given 12 months from the day she came of age. Similarly, if he consecrates her on the day she comes of age, she is given 12 months from the day he consecrated her, which was also the day she came of age. If he consecrates her after she has come of age, then if more than 12 months passed from the time she came of age until he consecrated her, she is only given 30 days from the time he made the request. Similarly, if a man consecrates a girl who is not a virgin, she is given 30 days from the time he made the request.