Tefillah Tips - Ashrei X

"Zecher Rav Tuvcha Yabeeu Vetzidkatcha Yiranaynu - The memory of Your abundant goodness they shall express, and because of Your righteousness they will sing.

Rav Schwab explains that after the previous verse wherein King David states that he will tell of G-d's abundant goodness (Ugedulatcha Asaprena), this next verse tells of when the nations of the world will join in praising G-d as well.

Many of the commentaries point out that the word "Yabeeu - they will express" - originates from the word Novayah, which means to flow. This implies that the praises will be flowing effortlessly from their lips.

Vetzidkatcha Yiranaynu - because of Your righteousness they will sing- the word Tzedaka implies an unearned gift. Therefore in addition to saying overflowing praise, they will sing joyously due to the unearned gifts they have received from Hashem.

Rav Miller points out based on this verse the need for continuous gratitude. He states, "it is not enough to be thankful for a present at the moment of its acceptance, rather one should be continuously thankful for all that one has received and all that his family received as well.". As an example Rav Miller points to the second paragraph of Bentching "Nodeh - Thank You (G-d) for the land of Israel, the Exodus from Egypt, our freedom from enslavement, the rite of Circumcision that symbolizes our eternal covenant with You, the Holy Torah You have granted us." Why must we recite these words after every meal that we eat? These gifts were granted to us thousands of years ago! Nevertheless, we must be thankful for all we receive as well as all that we have received in the past.

May we see all the nations of the world begin to praise G-d and recognize His righteousness. And may we be able to recite Psalms in the Beit Hamikdash soon in our days.