Tefillah Tips - Ashrei IX

"Ve-ezuz Noratecha Yomeiru Ugedulatcha Asaprena - And they shall express the mightiness of Your deeds; Your greatness I will reveal." It is interesting to note that while all previous verses the Psalmists expressions (excluding when he addresses G-d himself) are written in either first person or third person, this verse presents both first and third person - "They shall express, I will reveal."

King David remarks that Hashem's acts of retribution are so mighty that they are worthy of being told by all detail by detail. For example: in this weeks parsha-Beshalach the Torah does not simply state that the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea. The Torah depicts blow by blow what befalls the Egyptians. When it's over, we hear the mesmerizing chant of Moshe - "Az Yashir Moshe."

Rav Miller zt"l explains that in the latter part of the verse the Psalmist shows the ability to see greatness not only in G-d's outstretched punitive arm, but in the hidden beauty and reality of nature as well. It is as miraculous that the sun rises and sets, as it is that the Egyptians drowned in the sea. It is as wondrous how the animals survive in their natural habitat every day, as it is that Korach got swallowed up in an instantaneously created hole in the ground - "Ugedulatcha Asaprena- Your greatness I will express."

Alternatively the verse can be understood as follows: Ve-ezuz Noratecha Yomeiru they see the mightiness of Your deeds, Ugedulatcha Asaprena but I see the intrinsic goodness within those deeds themselves (that which everyone else sees as powerful, mighty, and punitive).

The Talmud states "Kol De-ovid Rochmana Letav Ovid- everything that G-d does is for the best" It is not always easy to see or feel this, nevertheless we know it is true. King David is teaching us in this verse to A) see miracles in nature and B) know that there is plenty of good underneath all that we see; we just need to peel away the layers and reveal it.