Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XI

"Chanun Verachum Hashem Erech Apayim Ugedal Chessed - G-d is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in kindliness." Rav Avigdor Miller points out that this sentence is a mini version of the thirteen attributes "Hashem, Hashem, Keyl Rachum...

The word Chanun - gracious - is related to the word Chayn which means charm and beauty - and Chinam which means for free. When King David says G-d is Chanun, he implies that because of His graciousness He bestows untold beautiful kindliness upon His creations.

The word Rachum - merciful is related to the word Rechem that means a womb. G-d's compassion and love for each and every person is like the compassionate love of a mother to her children.

Erech Apayim - slow to anger - indicates that G-d is divinely patient. Were it not for his patience and desire that all His children should improve, punishment for sin and misdeed would occur instantaneously.

Ugedal Chessed - great in kindliness - besides the simple understanding that G-d is great and kind, Rav Miller gives a much deeper explanation. He writes that all G-d's greatness is apparent in His kindliness. Therefore any and all forms of greatness that is written in Tanach must be viewed through the prism of kindliness. This includes His might, wisdom, glory, strength, etc. all manifest in His kindliness.

May we all emulate the ways of our Creator and show patience, kindness, mercy, and benevolence to fulfill His will and sanctify His name to continuously create a Kiddush Hashem.