Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XV

"Malchutcha Malchut Kol Olamim Umemshalticha Bechol Dor VaDor - Your Kingdom is of all worlds and Your rule is for every generation."

This verse is well known to the Jewish people not only here in Ashrei, but we also recite it on Simchat Torah before the Hakafot - dancing celebrations. It refers to the absolute monarchy of G-d and the eternity of His kingdom.

The first phrase "Malchutcha Malchut Kol Olamim - Your Kingdom is of all worlds" demonstrates the divinity of G-d's kingdom. G-d is not only king of one country or one continent. G-d is not only King of the earth. G-d is not only King of human beings. G-d is Melech Malchei Hamelachim, The King of Kings of every town, city, state, and country of the plants, the animals, and the humans, of the heavens and the earth G-d is the King of all worlds.

The verse is explained beautifully in the Siddur HaGra. He writes that in the present state of the world G-d is a Melech, a King, unto the Jewish nation and a Moshail, a ruler (not recognized as King), to other peoples of the world. This verse teaches that Ledor VaDor, from generation to generation until the time of the Messiah, G-d is a Moshail - a ruler, but in the Messianic era and onward G-d will be received by all nations as Melech - the King.