Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XIV

"Lehodia Livnei Adam Gevurotav Uchevod Hadar Malchuto - To make known to mankind His might, and the glory of the splendor of His kingdom."

Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l explains that this verse reminds us of the mandate upon the Jewish people not only to be learned and informed, but to teach and inform others as well. "Lehodia Livnei Adam Gevurotav - To make known.." It is our role and obligation to demonstrate and share the beauty and wisdom of G-d's Torah to our fellow Jews, as the Talmud states, "Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh Lazeh - All of the people of Israel are responsible one for another."

The order of the descriptions of the Creator and His attributes in this verse differs from previous verses and begins with "Gevurotav - His might." Rav Miller states this is so because for the less learned it is easier to be inspired and uplifted by the recognition of G-d's display of wondrous miracles then seeing the Hand of G-d in nature itself.

After one begins to learn and recognize the handiwork of the Creator in His creation throughout the Torah and world history, then one may begin to view and understand the complex and unending kindness and beauty found underneath the surface as well. I've mentioned before that the Hebrew word for world is Olam which is connected to the word Neelam. This implies that what is present in the world around us is hidden from the naked eye. It is only through the prism of the teachings of the Torah and the explanations of the sages throughout the ages that the great secrets and blessings of the natural world gifted to us by G-d himself become evident i.e. "Uchevod Hadar Malchuto - the glory of the splendor of His kingdom."