Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XVI

"Somaich Hashem Lechol Hanoflim Vezokaif Lechol Hakefufim - G-d supports all of the fallen; and straightens those that are bent over."

The Talmud Brachot 4b points out that until now the Ashrei follows the Alef Beis, but at this juncture the Nun is skipped over and the prayer continues with the letter Samech. The Talmud explains that King David did this because the letter Nun reflects Nefila - the falling of the Jewish people. It is interesting to note that there is a hint to the missing Nun when we say Somaich Lechol Hanoflim, the missing nun- G-d supports all of the fallen.

The Maharsha explains the significance of the hidden nun very beautifully. He writes - that although it is true that the Jewish nation has fallen and does falter, nevertheless due to the divine mercy and support of G-d the fall never leads to a complete and utter destruction (G-d forbid). Therefore King David deletes the letter Nun and hints to G-d's providential kindness in our verse Somaich "Hanoflim" - He supports the fallen.

The Ibn Ezra shares a different insight into the verse. He writes that whereas earthly kings provide favors for supporters and squash their opponents, the King of kings favors all. Lechol Hanoflim, Lechol Hakefufim - to all those who have fallen and all those that are bent over. It does not matter who you are or how difficult the situation is "Somaich" He is the support for all.

As we approach Shabbat Chazon and Tisha Bav may we merit seeing the revelation of G-d's mercy and kindness so that the Beit Hamikdash /Temple will be restored to all of its glory.