Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir III

"Zeh Kayley Veanveyhu Elokay Avi Va-aromimenhu" - This is my G-d and I will glorify Him, the G-d of my father I will exalt him.

This is the verse in the Torah that introduces the notion of beautifying a Mitzvah. The Chafetz Chaim explains that Mitzvoth may be viewed as emissaries of G-d Himself; it is therefore appropriate to perform and fulfill a Mitzvah with care, joy, dedication and beauty.

If a friend asks me for a ride, there are many ways to help him out. I can call a cab, I can drive him myself, or I can prepare refreshments for the ride, open and close the door for him myself, and upon arrival escort him by foot personally to his final destination. It is clear that the third approach is the most loving and would be the most appreciated. When preparing for a Mitzvah the same options apply, I can perform the basic Mitzvah perfunctorily, or I can fulfill a Mitzvah with an abundance of effort, desire, and concentration. Our sages advise us: use a beautiful Tallit, a stunning Lulav, and a gorgeous Mezuzah to fulfill "Zeh Kayley Veanveyhu" - This is my G-d and I will glorify Him.

The Netziv (Rav Naphtali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin) points out in his commentary the usage of the two different names of G-d: #1 E-l and #2 Elo-him - #1 refers to G-d's attributes of mercy; and #2 represents G-d's attributes of strength. Amidst the myriad of miracles manifested at the crossing of the Red Sea, G-d reveals His infinite mercy as well as His strength. It is fascinating to note that Moses praises joyfully G-d's mercy- Zeh Kayley Veanveyhu - This is my G-d and I will glorify Him, but exalts in awe G-d's power and strength - Elokay Avi Va-aromimenhu the G-d of my father I will exalt him.

The Netziv explains that the two different expressions of prayer exist because there is G-dliness that man can relate to, and G-dliness that is beyond mans comprehension. Unto G-d's divine love, mercy, and kindness we express our gratitude and praise. Unto His omnipotence, power, and strength we simply stand back and exalt Him - Zeh Kayley Veanveyhu Elokay Avi Vaaromimenhu - This is my G-d and I will glorify Him, the G-d of my father I will exalt him.

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