Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir II

Ashira LaHashem Ki Gaoh Goah Sus Verochvo Rama Vayam - I sing unto G-d because He is exalted; the horse and the horseman were hurled into the sea.

The commentators are all intrigued with the double language of Gaoh Goah - exalted , what is the implication of these words?

One of the approaches of Rashi is that this double language highlights our inability to properly provide praise for G-d. Whereas praise of human beings may overstate ones fine qualities and/or accomplishments, praise of G-d never scratches the surface of all that could be said. Ashira LaHashem Ki Gaoh Goah - I sing unto G-d because He is exalted - He is so exalted that all the praise and song in the world merely begins to properly acknowledge G-d and His strength, power, love and mercy exhibited in the world.

The Kli Yakar advances a different idea. He claims that the Gaoh Goah - exalted - is referring to the Pharoah and the Egyptians. Sometimes G-d wills the temporary success of the wicked which results in a bigger crash landing upon defeat. Ashira LaHashem Ki Gaoh Goah Sus Verochvo Rama Vayam - I sing unto G-d because He is exalted; the horse and the horseman were hurled into the sea - First G-d allows Pharoah to rise in power, stature, and honor, and then he is hurled together with his horse into the sea.

The lesson of this verse is that when we look at current events and it seems as if the wicked are prospering, we should remember , Ashira LaHashem Ki Gaoh Goah Sus Verochvo Rama Vayam - I sing unto G-d because He is exalted; the horse and the horseman were hurled into the sea. There is a G-d of the world who loves justice and truth and orchestrates His world accordingly.

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