Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir IV

Hashem Ish Milchama Hashem Shemo - Hashem is Master of War, Hashem is His name.

The Mechilta states that by the Red Sea G-d appears as a warrior - Kegibor; but at Mt. Sinai G-d appears as a merciful sage - Kezakeyn. G-d's all powerful might, unlimited mercy, and unlimited love for His creatures is displayed by His different attributes at different junctures in Tanach i.e. in Jewish History.

In the world around us too often people dream up their own images of G-d believing what makes them feel comfortable and secure. They tune into and buy into facts and concepts that sit well with them, and ignore and disregard basic tenets of Jewish faith and law they interpret as abrasive.

"Hashem Ish Milchama" - It is G-d that dictates to us who exactly He is, and what He expects from us, and how we are to perceive Him, His Torah, and His world.

The Netziv provides a tremendous insight to this verse and remarks that despite the fact that Hashem Ish Milchama, Hashem is Master of War, - and His actions may be falsely recognized as earthly and natural, Hashem Shemo - Hashem is His name, and G-d of course is omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal.

This Netziv alludes to our daily challenge in pursuit of genuine Emunah / Faith in G-d. When we take medicine, we must understand that Hashem Rofecha - it is G-d that heals. When we spend untold hours at the office in search of livelihood - we understand it is Hashem that provides Parnasah. Beyond all of our Hishtadlus / efforts that we are obligated to perform, is Hashem loving, caring, and tending to His children - Bnei Yisroel.

May we all merit to achieve a true understanding of G-d's Torah and strive to great levels of Emunah Ubitachon BeHashem - Faith and Trust in G-d.

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