Tefillah Tips - Hamechadesh Bechol Yom Tamid Maaseh Breishit

This blessing continues with the description of G-d’s inimitable creative power- Hamechadesh Bechol Yom Tamid Maaseh Breishit – The force that renews creation continuously all day every day. Contained within this phrase is the blatant difference between G-d’s holy creations and man’s earthly creations.

The Nefesh Hachaim (Rav Chaim Voloshiner) writes, “when man creates A. He can only build with raw materials that are prepared ahead of time i.e. wood, nails, stone, bricks…… and B. Once the creation is complete man moves away from his creation and onto his next pursuit. When Hashem creates A. G-d does not need any raw materials; He can create ex-nihilo (from nothing to something) - B. He never stops infusing his creation with sustaining energy.

The world is constantly being recreated every moment by Hashem.

Therefore, after Hashem created the world he did not simply move on to other tasks. The world is constantly being recreated every moment by Hashem. If for one moment G-d would release His support, the world would return to its original state of chaos mentioned in the beginning of Genesis.” This is the meaning of the phrase, Hamechadesh Bechol Yom Tamid Maaseh Breishit – The force that renews creation continuously all day every day.

We should learn to emulate Hahem in this context. We accomplish great things in life in relationships, our studies and creativity. Yet we often let them sit afterwards and don’t properly maintain and sustain our achievements with enough attention. Wouldn’t marriage be something if couples invested similar energy into their relationship as they did at the onset? Wouldn’t parenting be different if we invested similar energy as when our babies were born? Like our Creator we also need to express creativity within our existing creations.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein