Tefillah Tips - Mah Rabu Maasecha Hashem Kulam Bechachmah Asita..

The Tefilla advances with a verse from Psalms 104:24 Mah Rabu Maasecha Hashem Kulam Bechachmah Asita Malah Haaretz Kinyanecha – How great/many are Your deeds Hashem, All of them You have made with wisdom –the earth is full of Your creations.

Rav Miller zt”l points out beautifully that if archeologists would travel to a deserted island and find a thatched hut surrounded by miles of nature, they would undoubtedly determine that a human had lived on the island and built the hut. If the island would be filled with advanced structures including plumbing and campfire sights, how much more convinced would the researchers become!

King David expresses in this verse that the earth, sea, space, galaxies……all testify to the existence of our Creator and the complexity of His creations. And Mah Rabu – How many – The world is jam-packed with examples every step we take. From human biology to the world of nature, from chemical research to the beauty of a sunset - Kulam Bechachmah Asita – All of them You have made with wisdom. We just need to wear the right pair of glasses to notice them.

Each of G-d’s creations come to enhance the world we live in

The Gaon of Vilna explains that the word Kinyanecha – also means Your enhancers. This implies that each of G-d’s creations come to enhance the world we live in. There are no insects that are not needed, there are no human organs that are for naught…. because ALL of G-d’s magnificent creations come to build, improve and advance His world.

May we remember to enjoy the complexity and beauty of G-d’s world.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein