Tefillah Tips - Hameir Laaretz Veladarim Aleha Berachamim

The Siddur continues with the blessings that precede the Shema and states Hameir Laaretz Veladarim Aleha Berachamim – He provides illumination to the land and to its inhabitants with mercy.

There are several questions we may ask when examining this phrase carefully. 1. Why does the prayer mention both the land and its inhabitants – wouldn’t one have been enough? 2. Doesn’t the light reach the inhabitants before it reaches the earth so why is it listed in the reverse order? 3. How is mercy demonstrated when providing light for the world?

The Etz Yosef explains that the land benefits from the light because it is only through sunlight that produce is able to grow. Humanity gains from the sun in so many different ways i.e. energy, light, nutrients and warmth- to name a few.

Inhabitants are mentioned second because they are the purpose and fulfillment of creation

Rav Miller zt”l explains that inhabitants are mentioned second because they are the purpose and fulfillment of creation. The earth, the land and nature are worthless if not for humanity that resides upon it. Therefore the order is specific and precise – 1st the land and then its inhabitants.

Finally – The Baruch Sheamar states that it is only through G-d’s mercy that the gift of sunlight is distributed properly to the earth. If there would be too much sun all of the crops would die. If there would be too little sun then the crops would not grow. The sun is the perfect distance away from the earth. If it would be too close to the earth or if it would be too far away it would cause untold havoc. Did you ever take note that the sun rises and sets gradually so that we can easily adjust to the changes from darkness to light and light to darkness? This is a revealing demonstration of G-d’s mercy.

May we merit receiving and appreciating G-d’s manifold blessings each and every day.

Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Ephraim Epstein