Tefillah Tips - Lakel Baruch Neimot Yitaynu 3 – G-d sows our righteousness

The Tefillah continues describing Hashem as Zorayah Tzedakot – G-d sows our righteousness. G-d alone sows/plants the righteous deeds that are performed in this world and rewards us with the produce in the world to come.

The reason why G-d alone can do this is because only G-d knows our inner thoughts and desires that motivate our kindness. Only G-d knows and remembers what transpires in our heart of hearts and behind closed doors.

The Midrash in Devarim Rabbah tells the story of some travelers that came to the town of Rav Pinchas ben Yair to do some farming. They planted two measures of barley and left town. In their absence Rav Pinchas ben Yair harvested their crops and replanted them for several years. Many years later the travelers happened upon Rav Pinchas ben Yair and asked, “What ever happened to our two measures of barley?” He answered, “Come and see the dozens of fields of your crops that it has produced.”

This teaches that all of the kindness, kind words and demonstrations of charity we perform here in this world are not only remembered but divinely reinvested whether we remember them or not in order that we may reap their benefits in the World to Come.

It is our task to emulate our Creator. Too often when we are the recipient of the kindness of another we take it for granted. Even when we acknowledge it, we are quick to forget it. The phrase is often used “What have you done for me lately?” Just as G-d remembers, we should remember. The world was created by kindness and continues to function because of it.

At this time of the year, the Sefirah we remember and mourn the 24000 students of Rabbi Akiva that perished because they did not display honor one to another. It is upon us to learn from their errors and strengthen each other through love, kindness and respect that will be sown, reinvested and remembered forever by G-d.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein