Tefillah Tips - Lakel Baruch Neimot Yitaynu 4

Hashem is called the Borei Refuot – the Creator of Healing.

This is a topic that requires explanation. In our world it seems that pharmaceutical companies are the ones that fashion medicines and not G-d. When we are ill we go to the doctor and not only to the synagogue. So how is it that G-d creates the healing?!

Rav Miller zt”l explains it in the following ways: A. G-d enables man to conceive and produce the medicine / cure. B. G-d has produced the basic ingredients that are used to produce the medicine. C. G-d has created our bodies so that they may heal if treated correctly. * Remember – Not every medicine works for every patient. It is only through the grace of Hashem when the medicine heals the illness.

A question is often posed as to why if Mr. Reuven is ill will our prayers help advance his cure? If G-d has seen fit that Mr. Reuven must confront this challenge why may anyone else intervene and lend assistance. It seems that only Reuven can help himself.

Two answers are advanced: 1) the sanctification of G-d’s name from the prayers is attributed to Reuven because they are being said on his behalf – and therefore he is healed. 2) We are all saddened and disturbed by Reuven’s illness. Therefore G-d will answer our prayers and our pain and he may be healed.

A more basic question may also be posed: if G-d sees fit that Reuven should fall ill who are we to pray for it to be otherwise? If this is the will of G-d, why is it permitted for us to do anything physical or spiritual to challenge it?

The answer is part of a core philosophy of Judaism and Torah. G-d gave us a world and expects us to advance it. He gave us talents, energy and raw materials and commands us to build and improve the world around us. He gave us bodies and expects men to be circumcised. He gave us the earth and commands us to cultivate it. He gave us personalities and we are expected to refine them. Regarding medicine - there is a specific verse in the Torah Verapoh Yirapeh – You shall heal the sick- this licenses and obliges us to seek and administer healing to the sick

When we are successful it is not ultimately due to medical efforts but rather it is because of the will of Hashem – the Borei Refuot – The Creator of Healing.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein