Tefillah Tips - Ki Hoo Livado Poel Gevurot Oseh Niflaot

Ki Hoo Livado Poel Gevurot Oseh Niflaot – For G-d alone demonstrates strong deeds and makes wonders.

The Siddur Hagra explains that the difference between Poel and Oseh is that Poel is working amidst a project and Oseh is completing a task.

It is also taught that the mention of Livado – alone indicates a marked difference between G-d and His creations. When we want to accomplish something great – we need to consult with others, plan with others and engage others to help us with this monumental task. When G-d chooses to fulfill a task, it is G-d alone that gets it done. G-d does not need us, we need Him.

The sefer Acharis Hashalom explains that the reason why G-d does not need us is because when we create we require raw materials. But when G-d creates it is ex-nihilo – from zero.

There are certain automobile experts that can find spare parts and put together a real beauty of a car. There are builders that can use leftover metals and wood to construct a house. There are great chefs that can find a myriad of leftovers in the refrigerator and cook up an outstanding meal. But Hashem does not need spare parts, metals or leftovers from the refrigerator to will His desires forward into the world.

This lesson is reviewed every day before we recite Shema – our soulful declaration of dependence on G-d. It is important to contemplate this fact because it reminds us in front of Whom we are standing and supplicating.

A great challenge n Tefillah is remembering to whom we are davening. If we dwell on this idea It can enhance, strengthen and inspire greater Tefillah.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein