Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael VIII

"Veshinantam Levanecha Vedibarta Bam - You should teach these words to your children and you shall speak them (the words)." The first part of this verse in the Shema instructs Jewish parents to educate and transmit the unbroken chain of genuine Torah traditions to their children. At first glance the latter part does not seem to follow. What does educating your children have to do with speaking them (the words)?

The answer is clear. The speech of parents finds its way through the lips of the children. Pay attention to the way a child reacts to anxiety, disappointment or frustration. Take note of the way a child laughs, jokes and celebrates. Now go and observe the parents. The similarities are astounding. Therefore the ultimate "Veshinantam Levanecha- Teaching children is setting a fine example- Vedibarta Bam - speaking with the words of Torah. All the hours of scholastic instruction do not penetrate the psyche and the unconscious the way modeling correct behavior does. If you want your children to speak with Derech Eretz - proper courtesy, then you must set the example. If you want your children to sit nicely in shul, then you must come on time and daven properly in shul. If you want your children to enjoy Shabbat and Yom Tov, then you must truly look forward to Shabbat and Yom Tov - even long Shabbat afternoons and three day Yom Tovs. Children have fantastic antennas. The job of a parent is to train his/her children for life. A significant amount of the training is done non-verbally and by example. Keep this in mind at the table, in shul and on the living room sofa.

The word Veshinantam implies more than simply teaching. If the Torah wanted to say teach it could have said Vetilmadu. The meaning of Veshinantam is to teach the student well enough that the knowledge is on the tip of their tongues. Veshinantam implies the ability to answer instinctively without hesitation. This is only achieved through hard work and dedication.

To our world of fast food, fast computers and the pursuit of relaxation and pleasure, this phrase of the Shema is shouting to us to slow down and apply ourselves to long lasting truth and morality. Veshinantam - teach diligently - slowly, methodically and strategically. And most importantly, teach by example- as it says Vedibarta Bam.