Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael VII

"Vehayu hadvarim haeyleh asher anochi metzavecha hayom Al Levavecha - And these words that I command you today should be on your heart."

What does it mean to place words on your heart? And why does it have to be done today?

The answer can be understood by analyzing a passion filled relationship. When you truly love someone, you cherish the gifts that he/she buys you, the experiences you have shared and maintain the love and the warmth of the relationship in your conscience continuously. You place it "on your heart." So too your relationship with Hashem should be kept on the desktop or at least the inbox of your heart to appreciate and focus on (not out of obligation, but out of instinct).

How does a person keep this flame lit and not have their ner tamid, flame, extinguished? The secret is in the blackened word above today. Every day is a gift. A gift of life, of opportunities, different than the day before and the day after. We must not lump together days of a week and weeks of a month. Our sages teach us to view every day as the day we received the Torah, the nicest gift anyone ever received in the history of the world. To make the most out of life in general one has to live for today.

The Kotzker Rebbe zt"l had a different approach to the phrase "Vehaya...Al Levavecha". He says that one cannot just digest and apply love of Hashem immediately, the first step is to "place the words onto your heart - Al Levavecha." In due time the words, ideas and truths will seep in. Physical growth takes years and years of life until one reaches their ultimate G-d given height. Emotional and spiritual growth also takes time and effort. The key to success is placing these Torah thoughts and truths directly onto our hearts.

May we all merit to heed the words of the Shema and place honor and truth on our hearts. May we appreciate the overflowing and continuous love and guidance we enjoy from our Creator. And may we carry with us the joy that comes with this privilege starting today.