Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael IX

"Beshivticha Bevaytecha uvlechtecha vaderech uvshachbecha uvkumecha - you shall study them while you sitting in your home, travelling on the way, upon rising and retiring at night."

This next phrase in the Shema instructs the Jewish people to involve themselves in Torah at all of those times that one would be inclined not to. HaRav Miller zt"l points out that when one is in the comfort of his own home involved with tasks and responsibilities it is easy to be distracted and occupied in everything but Torah study. That is why we say "Beshivtecha Bvaysecha".

The only place more inconvenient to consider the depths and beauty of Torah is on the road when I am concerned with arriving on time and making it a positive and productive trip. Who has time to learn on a trip? That is why the Shema says "Uvelechtecha Vaderech - when you are going on the way".

Some of us are morning people and some of us are night owls. The Torah wants our attention early in the morning and when we lie down at night. That is why we say "Uvshachbecha uvkumecha - when you lie down and when you rise.

If not put into perspective it appears that the Torah is invading into every crevice of ones existence. Early in the morning, late at night, while I am relaxing at home and while I'm on the road?? We are not ATM machines! How can we be expected to function 24/7 eating, sleeping and devoting every waking moment to G-d's Torah?

In my opinion the answer is simple. "Eytz Chaim Hea Lamachzikim Bah - The Torah is a tree of life for those who grasp onto it." There is no part of life that does not relate to Torah. There is a Torah way to do business, and a Torah way to play basketball. There is a Torah approach to relationships and Torah thoughts on moral relativism. There are Halachot and insights for every room in the house. My Rebbe always says that if you want to see if a Yeshiva is doing its job, go to the gym and see what the bachurim say when they miss a lay up. "Eytz Chaim Hee- it's a living Torah (that needs to be applied"

As we enjoy the summer months of outings, vacations, and tours. Let us live the words of the Shema and incoporate Beshivtecha Bevaytecha..... in your home, on the way, when rising and retiring".