1,147. No Wine, No Karpas or Limited Matzah

Chometz u’Matzah 8:12

One who has no wine on Passover night recites kiddush on (unleavened) bread, as one would do on Shabbos. He performs everything else according to the designated order. If one has no vegetables other than maror, he recites two brachos over the maror - ho’adamah and al achilas maror - and he eats them. When he finishes the Haggadah, he recites the bracha over the matzah and eats it. He then eats the maror without reciting a bracha.

Chometz u’Matzah 8:13

Let’s say that someone has only one olive-sized portion of matzah that was watched for purposes of the mitzvah. When he finishes his meal using matzah that was not watched, he recites the bracha of al achilas matzah, eats his olive-sized portion of watched matzah and does not taste anything else after that.