1,146. Roasted Meat on Pesach Night

Chometz u’Matzah 8:10

After the meal, one washes hands and recites bentching (grace after meals) over the third cup, which he then drinks. One pours the fourth cup and finishes reciting Hallel over it. He recites the bracha “May all Your works praise You,” followed by hagafen. After drinking the fourth cup, he does not taste anything – except for water – for the rest of the night. It is permitted to pour a fifth cup and to recite “The Great Hallel,” i.e., from “Give thanks to God, for He is good” until “By the rivers of Babylon.” Unlike the other cups, this one is not obligatory. One may finish Hallel wherever one likes, even if it is not the place where he ate.

Chometz u’Matzah 8:11

In a place where the accepted practice is to eat roasted meat on Passover night, one may do so. In a place where such is not the practice, one should not do so out of concern that people may say that he is eating the meat of the Passover offering. In all places, it is prohibited to eat a whole roasted sheep on this night because it would appear as if one is eating sacrifices outside their prescribed location. If the sheep has been cut into pieces, is missing a limb, or if one of the attached limbs has been boiled, it is permitted in a place where the accepted practice is to eat roasted meat.