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Sheviis 5:3-4

Sheviis 5:3

Let’s say that onions were buried in the sixth year and remained underground through the sabbatical and into the eighth year. Rabbi Eliezer says that if the needy gathered their leaves for food in the sabbatical, that’s fine. If they didn’t, so the leaves of the seventh and eighth years are now combined, the owner must calculate how much goes to the needy and give it to them. Rabbi Yehoshua says that if the needy didn’t gather the leaves in the sabbatical year, they have forfeited their claim on them.

Sheviis 5:4

If onions buried in the sixth year remained underground in the sabbatical, Beis Shammai say they may be dug up with wooden rakes; the same is true of summer onions and madder (a root used to make dye). This makes it clear that it is not being done to till the soil. Beis Hillel permits one to use a metal spade. Beis Shammai agree that madder on the sides of a field can be dug up with metal spades.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz