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Sheviis 5:1-2

Sheviis 5:1

The laws of the sabbatical apply to white figs in the second year of the cycle because they ripen in three years (so fruit of year seven is eaten in year two). Rabbi Yehuda says the laws of the sabbatical apply to Persian figs the year after the sabbatical because they ripen in two years. The Sages replied that such a law was only stated in the case of white figs.

Sheviis 5:2

If one buries onions in the ground in the sabbatical year, Rabbi Meir says it must be at least two seah in volume (about 7 gallons), three handbreadths in depth (about 9 inches) and must be covered with at least one handbreadth of soil (about three inches – all this makes it clear that this is not being done as a form of planting). The Sages say it must be four kavs (about 1.3 gallons), one handbreadth deep, and covered with one handbreadth of soil. One must bury them in ground where people walk so they can’t grow.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz