3,291. An Androgynous Kohein

Terumos 7:15

If a kohein with congenital deafness, who lacks mental capacity or who is a minor buys servants, they may not eat terumah. If the court or this kohein’s guardian buys servants for him, or if he inherits them, then the servants can eat terumah.

Terumos 7:16

If an intersex kohein (formerly referred to as a “hermaphrodite”) is sexually intimate, whether in the manner of men (i.e., sodomy) or of women, with someone who is unfit to eat terumah, then that kohein is rendered unfit to eat terumah, just as a woman would be. In such a case, his servants may also not eat terumah. He and his servants are likewise rendered unable to eat terumah if he’s intimate with another intersex person whose sexual relations would disqualify a woman from eating terumah. This is only the case when he is intimate in the manner of women; if he’s intimate in the manner of men, then he is not prohibited from eating terumah because a male doesn’t render another male unfit for the priesthood.