3,290. A Kohein With a Disqualifying Injury of a Personal Nature

Terumos 7:13

A kohein with crushed testes or a severed male organ may eat terumah, as may his servants, but his wife may not (because it’s an impermissible union, rendering her unable to eat terumah). If the kohein was never intimate with his wife after sustaining the injury in question, then she may eat terumah. Similarly, if the injured kohein married a woman descended from converts, she may eat terumah.

Terumos 7:14

If a kohein with crushed testes betrothed a woman from a kohanic family, she may not eat terumah. If a kohein is rendered a eunuch naturally (such as through disease), then he, his wife and his servants may eat terumah. If a kohein is intersex (formerly called a “hermaphrodite”) or of indeterminate gender, his servants can eat terumah, but his wife may not.