3,292. Conveying the Ability to Eat Terumah

Terumos 7:17

If a servant belongs to partners, one of whom is a kohein, he doesn’t enable others to eat terumah, so this servant may not do so. Anyone who conveys the ability to eat terumah also conveys the ability to eat the breast and the thigh of peace offerings.

Terumos 7:18

If a woman from a Yisroel family marries a kohein and brings servants into the marriage, regardless of the type of property they are, they can eat terumah. Similarly, if a kohein’s servants or his wife’s servants buy servants of their own, they can eat terumah. This is derived from Leviticus 22:11, “When a kohein acquires a person, the acquisition of his money….” This includes the acquisition of an acquisition. An acquisition who can eat terumah enables his acquisitions to eat terumah; an acquisition who may not eat terumah does not convey such rights.