3,287. Ritual Impurity and Terumah Outside of Israel

Terumos 7:7

If a woman engages in marital intimacy, she can immerse and eat terumah that night. This is only the case if she didn’t turn over during the act. If she did turn over, she may not eat terumah for three days. This is because it’s inevitable that she will expel the man’s seed and be rendered unclean. This will be discussed IY”H in Hilchos Shaar Avos Hatuma.

Terumos 7:8

Since terumah outside of Israel is essentially a Rabbinic law, it is only prohibited to a kohein who is rendered unclean through a bodily discharge, i.e., a seminal emission, a zav, a zavah, a niddah and a woman who gave birth. All such people may eat terumah after immersing in a mikvah even if they didn’t wait until nightfall. On the other hand, those who were rendered unclean by contact with a source of impurity, be it a human body – which is a form of impurity that we are currently unable to purify – or a creeping creature, need not immerse before eating terumah separated outside of Israel.