3,288. An Uncircumcised Kohein

Terumos 7:9

Pursuant to the previous halacha, a male kohein who is a minor and never experienced a seminal emission and a female from a kohanic family who has never had her period may eat terumah from outside of Israel at any time without inspection because there’s a presumption that they would not have experienced a discharge that would render them unclean. A metzora is the same as one who had a discharge of impurity if he was declared unclean by a kohein of established lineage.

Terumos 7:10

An uncircumcised kohein may not eat terumah under Biblical law. Leviticus 22:10 addresses a resident worker and a hired hand not eating terumah, while Exodus 12:45 addresses a resident worker and a hired hand not eating the korban Pesach (the Passover offering). Just as the resident worker and the hired hand in the case of the korban Pesach are uncircumcised, the same is true when it comes to terumah. If an uncircumcised person eats terumah, he is liable to the penalty of lashes under Biblical law. One who stretches his foreskin (cosmetically) is allowed to eat terumah even though he looks uncircumcised. Under Rabbinic law, he must be circumcised again in order to look circumcised.