Parshas Ha’azinu - Chamishi

(כט) ל֥וּ חָכְמ֖וּ יַשְׂכִּ֣ילוּ זֹ֑את יָבִ֖ינוּ לְאַחֲרִיתָֽם׃ (ל) אֵיכָ֞ה יִרְדֹּ֤ף אֶחָד֙ אֶ֔לֶף וּשְׁנַ֖יִם יָנִ֣יסוּ רְבָבָ֑ה               אִם־לֹא֙ כִּי־צוּרָ֣ם מְכָרָ֔ם וַֽיהֹוָ֖ה הִסְגִּירָֽם׃ (לא) כִּ֛י לֹ֥א כְצוּרֵ֖נוּ צוּרָ֑ם וְאֹיְבֵ֖ינוּ פְּלִילִֽים׃ (לב) כִּֽי־מִגֶּ֤פֶן סְדֹם֙ גַּפְנָ֔ם וּמִשַּׁדְמֹ֖ת עֲמֹרָ֑ה      עֲנָבֵ֙מוֹ֙ עִנְּבֵי־ר֔וֹשׁ אַשְׁכְּלֹ֥ת מְרֹרֹ֖ת לָֽמוֹ׃ (לג) חֲמַ֥ת תַּנִּינִ֖ם יֵינָ֑ם וְרֹ֥אשׁ פְּתָנִ֖ים אַכְזָֽר׃ (לד) הֲלֹא־ה֖וּא כָּמֻ֣ס עִמָּדִ֑י חָת֖וּם בְּאוֹצְרֹתָֽי׃ (לה) לִ֤י נָקָם֙ וְשִׁלֵּ֔ם לְעֵ֖ת תָּמ֣וּט רַגְלָ֑ם              כִּ֤י קָרוֹב֙ י֣וֹם אֵידָ֔ם וְחָ֖שׁ עֲתִדֹ֥ת לָֽמוֹ׃ (לו) כִּֽי־יָדִ֤ין יְהֹוָה֙ עַמּ֔וֹ וְעַל־עֲבָדָ֖יו יִתְנֶחָ֑ם     כִּ֤י יִרְאֶה֙ כִּֽי־אָ֣זְלַת יָ֔ד וְאֶ֖פֶס עָצ֥וּר וְעָזֽוּב׃ (לז) וְאָמַ֖ר אֵ֣י אֱלֹהֵ֑ימוֹ צ֖וּר חָסָ֥יוּ בֽוֹ׃ (לח) אֲשֶׁ֨ר חֵ֤לֶב זְבָחֵ֙ימוֹ֙ יֹאכֵ֔לוּ יִשְׁתּ֖וּ יֵ֣ין נְסִיכָ֑ם     יָק֙וּמוּ֙ וְיַעְזְרֻכֶ֔ם יְהִ֥י עֲלֵיכֶ֖ם סִתְרָֽה׃ (לט) רְא֣וּ ׀ עַתָּ֗ה כִּ֣י אֲנִ֤י אֲנִי֙ ה֔וּא וְאֵ֥ין אֱלֹהִ֖ים עִמָּדִ֑י       אֲנִ֧י אָמִ֣ית וַאֲחַיֶּ֗ה מָחַ֙צְתִּי֙ וַאֲנִ֣י אֶרְפָּ֔א     וְאֵ֥ין מִיָּדִ֖י מַצִּֽיל׃

(כט) אִלּוּ חַכִּימוּ אִסְתַּכָּלוּ בְדָא סְבָרוּ מָא יְהֵי בְסוֹפֵיהוֹן: (ל) אֶכְדֵּין יִרְדּוֹף חַד אַלְפָא וּתְרֵין יֶעֱרְקוּן לְרִבּוֹתָא אֶלָּהֵן (אֲרֵי) תַּקִּיפְהוֹן מְסָרִנּוּן וַיְיָ אַשְׁלֵמִנּוּן: (לא) אֲרֵי לָא כְתָקְפָּנָא תָּקְפְּהוֹן וּבַעֲלֵי דְבָבָנָא הֲווֹ דַיָּנָנָא: (לב) אֲרֵי כְפֻרְעֲנוּת עַמָּא דִסְדוֹם פֻּרְעֲנוּתְהוֹן וְלָקוּתְהוֹן כְּעַם עֲמרָה מָחָתְהוֹן בִּישִׁין כְּרֵישֵׁי חֶוְיָן וְתֻשְׁלָמַת עוֹבָדֵיהוֹן כִּמְרָרוּתְהוֹן: (לג) הָא כְמָרַת תַּנִּינַיָּא כּס פֻּרְעֲנוּתְהוֹן וּכְרֵישׁ פְּתָנֵי חֶוְיָן אַכְזְרָאִין: (לד) הֲלָא כָל עוֹבָדֵיהוֹן גְּלָן קֳדָמַי גְּנִיזִין לְיוֹם דִּינָא בְּאוֹצְרָי: (לה) קֳדָמַי פֻּרְעֲנוּתָא וַאֲנָא אֲשַׁלֵּם לְעִדָּן דְּיִגְלוּן מֵאַרְעֲהוֹן אֲרֵי קָרִיב יוֹם תְּבָרְהוֹן וּמַבַּע דְּעָתִיד לְהוֹן: (לו) אֲרֵי יְדִין יְיָ דִּינָא דְעַמֵּיהּ וּפֻרְעֲנוּת עַבְדוֹהִי צַדִּיקַיָּא יִתְפְּרַע אֲרֵי גֱּלִי קֳדָמוֹהִי דִּבְעִדָּן דִּתִתְקֵף עֲלֵיהוֹן מָחַת סָנְאָה יְהוֹן מִטַּלְטְלִין וּשְׁבִיקִין: (לז) וְיֵימַר אָן דַּחֲלָתְהוֹן תַּקִּיפָא דַּהֲווֹ רְחִיצִין בֵּיהּ: (לח) דִּי תְרַב נִכְסָתְהוֹן הֲווֹ אָכְלִין שָׁתָן חֲמַר נִסְכֵּיהוֹן יְקוּמוּן כְּעַן וִיסַעֲדוּנְכוֹן יְהוֹן עֲלֵיכוֹן מָגֵן: (לט) חֲזוֹ כְּעַן אֲרֵי אֲנָא אֲנָא הוּא וְלֵית אֱלָהּ בַּר מִנִּי אֲנָא מֵמִית וּמְחַיֵּי מָחֵינָא וְאַף מַסֵּינָא וְלֵית מִן יְדִי מְשֵׁזֵב:

29. If they were wise, they would understand this; they would comprehend what will be in their end. 30. How could one have pursued 1,000, and two cause 10,000 to flee, if not that[1] their Mighty One delivered them, and Hashem turned them over? 31. Because our Strength[2] is not like their strength, and our adversaries were our judges. 32. Because their retribution is like the retribution of the people of Sodom and their punishment like the people of Gomorrah; their plagues are evil like snakes’ poisons[3] and (the) payment of their deeds is according to their bitterness. 33. Behold, the cup of their punishment is like the bitterness of serpents and like the poison of cruel vipers. 34. “Are not all their deeds revealed before Me, hidden for judgment day in My storehouses? 35. Punishment is before Me, and I will pay (them) at the time (when) they are exiled from their land, because their day of their misfortune is near, and that which will happen to them hastens.” 36. Because Hashem will judge the judgment of His people and He will work punishment for His righteous servants because it is revealed before Him that when the assault of their hater is strong against them, they will be homeless and abandoned. 37. He will say, “Where are the objects of their worship, the mighty one in whom they trusted, 38. who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine their libations? Let them arise now and assist you; let them be a shield for you! 39. See now that I, I am He and there is no god except for Me. I cause death and I make alive; I injure and I also heal,[4] and none can save from My hand.

[1] Different versions of Onkelos may or may not include the Aramaic word arei (“because” or “that”) at this point.

[2] Rather than “Rock” (referring to God).

[3] Or, perhaps, “snakes’ heads.”

[4] Rather than “I injured” (in the past) “and I will heal” (in the future).

The Complete Targum Onkelos

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