2,990. Consecrating the Value of Part of an Animal

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:14

If someone consecrates the value of an unblemished animal, the animal’s body is consecrated, as follows: If a person says, “The value of this animal is consecrated to the altar,” the animal itself is brought as an offering. If someone consecrates the value of one of an animal’s limbs or organs, saying (for example), “The value of this cow’s legs is consecrated to the altar,” there is a doubt as to whether the sanctity applies to the rest of the animal. Accordingly, the animal is offered rather than redeemed.

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:15

Continuing the case in the previous halacha: The animal is sold to one who will bring it as an offering. The money from the sale isn’t sanctified except for the value of the limb that was consecrated. If the consecrated limb or organ is something that the animal needs to live, then the entire animal is sanctified.