2,991. Consecrating the Value of Your Head

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:16

Let’s say that the consecrated animal was blemished and unfit to bring as an offering. In such a case, if someone consecrates one of its limbs or organs, only that limb is consecrated. This is true even if the organ is one that the animal needs to live. For example, let’s say that someone says, “The value of this cow’s leg…” or “The value of its heart is consecrated to the altar.” In such a case, he and the Temple treasury jointly own the animal.

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:17

Similar to the case in the previous halacha, the same is true if someone says, “The head of this servant…” or “The heart of this donkey is consecrated to the altar.” Likewise, if someone consecrates his head to the altar, he is only obligated to donate the value of his head. We evaluate the value of the limb or organ and he must bring an offering with that money.