2,989. Dead or Alive

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:12

Let’s say that someone consecrated a living kosher or unkosher animal, either for Temple upkeep or to be offered on the altar, and it became blemished, or it was an unblemished animal that is fit to be offered as we will discuss IY”H in the next chapter. In such cases, the animal must be stood before the court for appraisal, as per Leviticus 27:11: “You shall have the animal stand (for appraisal).” Accordingly, if the animal died before being evaluated and redeemed, it may no longer be redeemed; rather, it must be buried. However, if someone consecrated a slaughtered animal or an animal carcass towards Temple upkeep, it is redeemed like other movable goods.

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:13

If one slaughtered an animal, cutting the esophagus and the trachea or the greater part of these pipes, and the animal is still convulsing, it is considered still alive in all regards. It is to be appraised as per Leviticus 27:11-12 until such time as it dies.