2,872. Like the Number of Days in a Year

Hilchos Nezirus 3:7

If someone says that he's a nazir according to the number of days in a year, he must observe a nezirus period for each day in a year. If he explicitly stated a solar year, this would be 365 nezirus periods of 30 days each; if he specified a lunar year, he must observe 354 nezirus periods. If he didn’t specify which kind of a year, he must observe 354 nezirus periods. This is because, as we discussed regarding vows, we go according to the terminology that people typically use, and most people (in the context of when and where this was written) meant a lunar year when they just said “year.”

Hilchos Nezirus 3:8

If someone says that he’ll observe one and a half nezirus periods, he must observe two. If someone says that he’ll be a nazir plus one day, or a nazir plus one hour, he must observe two nezirus periods. If he says, “I’m a nazir plus one,” he must observe two nezirus periods. If he says, “I’m a nazir plus one and more,” he must observe three nezirus periods. If he says, “I’m a nazir plus one, more and again,” he must observe four nezirus periods. If he says, “I am a nazir for 30 days plus one day,” he must observe one nezirus period of 31 days.