2,871. Being a Nazir for 8,000 Years

Hilchos Nezirus 3:5

Let’s say that someone says, “I’ll be a nazir from here until I reach place X.” If he doesn’t set out on a journey, he need only observe nezirus for 30 days because even though his intention was to make a long nazirite vow, he didn’t specify a duration. If he actually set out on the road, then if the trip takes less than 30 days, he must observe nezirus for 30 days; if the trip takes more than 30 days, he must observe one state of nezirus for the number of days of his journey.

Hilchos Nezirus 3:6

If someone says, “I’ll observe two periods of nezirus” – or three, or four – he must observe the number of nezirus periods he specified, each period lasting 30 days. At the end of each period of 30 days, he must shave, bring his offerings, and start observing the next nezirus period. Even if he says that he’ll observe 100,000 nezirus periods (about 8,219 years), and there’s no way that he’s going to live that long, he must observe nezirus periods consecutively until he finishes the number of nazirite vows that he undertook or (practically speaking) dies.