2,829. Vows That Put a Strain on the Marriage

Hilchos Nedarim 12:6

If a woman made a vow not to eat two loaves of bread and not eating one would cause her affliction, but not eating the other would not cause her affliction, her husband can annul the one that would cause her affliction but not the one that would not cause her affliction.

Hilchos Nedarim 12:7

If a woman vows not to eat figs from her homeland, her husband can annul this vow because it affects their marriage. This is because it would be difficult for him to bring her figs from another country. Therefore, if he dies or if they divorce, or if someone else brings her figs from her homeland, they are prohibited to her. This is because when a man annuls a vow that affects his marriage, it has no effect on other people.