2,830. A Couple Prohibiting Intimacy to One Another

Hilchos Nedarim 12:8

Similar to the case in the previous halacha, if a woman took an oath not to benefit from people generally, her husband can annul that vow even though it doesn’t include him because it affects their marriage. If not, he would have to feed her from his own resources alone. Similarly, if she vows not to benefit from an entire nation, such as from all Jews or all Arabs, he can annul it.

Hilchos Nedarim 12:9

If a woman tells her husband that the pleasure of marital relations with her is prohibited to him, he need not annul the vow because this is a right she granted him by virtue of marriage. Similarly, if he tells her that the pleasure of marital relations with him is prohibited to her, his words are ineffective because he must provide her with her food, clothing, and conjugal rights, as was discussed in Hilchos Ishus (chapter 12). However, if she said that the pleasure of marital relations with him is prohibited to her, then he must annul her vow. If he doesn’t do so, he may not be intimate her.