2,823. The Status of Betrothal Vows After Marriage

Hilchos Nedarim 11:20

Let’s say that a woman made a vow and her father unilaterally annulled it. Her fiancé, however, didn’t hear about the vow until after he brought her into his domain. In such a case, he can no longer annul her vow. This is because a man can no longer annul a vow made by a woman he betrothed after he completes the marriage; he may only do so before she enters his domain, in conjunction with her father. For this reason, Torah scholars would tell their daughters before they left their domains that any vows they may have made as members of their fathers’ households are voided.

Hilchos Nedarim 11:21

Similarly, a man would tell his fiancée before she enters his domain that any vows she may have taken from the time of their betrothal until the time she entered his household are annulled. This is because a man can annul his wife’s vows even without hearing them.