2,822. When the Girl's Father Dies

Hilchos Nedarim 11:18

Let’s say that the girl’s father heard about the vow and annulled it, after which he died. The fiancé subsequently heard about the vow – or even if the fiancé heard about the vow before the girl’s father died – but she has not yet completely entered her fiancé’s domain. The fiancé can never annul a vow after the father’s death, because a fiancé can only ever do so in combination with the girl’s father.

Hilchos Nedarim 11:19

Let’s say that either (a) the girl’s fiancé heard about her vow and annulled it, after which he died, and then the girl’s father heard about the vow, or (b) the father heard about the vow and annulled it and the fiancé died before hearing about it. In either of these cases, the father can only annul a vow that was made while the girl was in the domain of the first fiancé by doing so in combination with a second fiancé who betrothed her that same day, as we have discussed.