2,824. The Vows of a Woman Awaiting Yibum

Hilchos Nedarim 11:22

If a woman’s father went with agents of her fiancé (to effect marriage), or if her father’s agents went with agents of her fiancé, her vows may still only be annulled by her father and her fiancé together. If her father transferred her to her fiancé’s agents or her father’s agents transferred her to her fiancé’s agents, then her father can no longer annul her vows, but neither can her husband. This is because a man can’t annul vows that were made before marriage was effected, as has already been discussed.

Hilchos Nedarim 11:23

If a woman is awaiting yibum (levirate marriage), even if her brother-in-law has already expressed the intention to marry her, and even if there’s only one surviving brother and one widow, he cannot annul her vows until the relationship has been consummated.