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Pesachim 7:7-8

Pesachim 7:7

If the blood of a Passover offering was sprinkled on the altar and it was later found that the sacrifice was ritually unclean, the tzitz (headplate of the Kohein Gadol) causes the sacrifice to be accepted (see Exodus 28:38). If it is discovered that the owner of the sacrifice was unclean, the tzitz does not cause the sacrifice to be accepted. When it comes to both a nazir (nazirite) and the Passover offering, the tzitz causes acceptance when the sacrifice is unclean but not when the owner is unclean. If one became unclean because it was discovered that a corpse was underground in a place that nobody knew about, the tzitz does cause acceptance for the owner’s uncleanliness.

Pesachim 7:8

If an entire Passover offering or the major part of it was rendered unclean, it must be burned with the wood of the Temple woodpile. If the minor portion of it was rendered unclean, the owners burn it at home with their own wood; the same is true of leftovers from the Passover offering. Stingy people would burn even the minor portion or the leftovers at the Temple because they were too cheap to use their own wood. (The Sages permitted this because otherwise the stingy people might refrain from burning it at all, which would violate a Torah law.)

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz