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Pesachim 7:5-6

Pesachim 7:5

If the meat of the Passover offering was rendered ritually unclean but the fats remained clean, the kohanim do not sprinkle this offering’s blood (because the main purpose of the Passover offering is to be eaten, which cannot be done). If the fat was rendered unclean but the meat remained clean, the kohanim do sprinkle the blood. When it comes to other sacrifices, even if the meat was rendered unclean but the fats remained clean, the blood is sprinkled.

Pesachim 7:6

If the entire community or the majority of the community was rendered ritually unclean, or if the kohanim (priests) were unclean but the people were clean, the Passover offering may be brought in a state of uncleanliness. If a minority of the community was rendered unclean, the clean people observe first Passover (14 Nisan) and the unclean people observe second Passover (14 Iyar).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz