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Megillah 2:2-3

Megillah 2:2

If a person read the megillah making lots of pauses or while drowsy, he still fulfills his obligation. If a person reads the megillah in the course of writing, teaching or correcting the scroll in which it is written, if he has the intention to fulfill his obligation, he fulfills it; if not, then not. If the megillah was written with color, red, gum ink or copper ink, or on papyrus or vellum, he does not fulfill his obligation. The megillah must be written in the Hebrew (“Assyrian”) script, on parchment, with ink.

Megillah 2:3

If the resident of a town went to a walled city (where the megillah is read on a different day), or vice versa, if he intends to return home, he reads with the people of his hometown; if not, he reads with the place he is visiting. From where must one begin reading the megillah in order to fulfill one’s obligation? Rabbi Meir says that one must read the megillah in its entirety. Rabbi Yehuda says one must read from “There was a Jewish man…” (Esther 2:5). Rabbi Yosi says one must read from “After these things…” (Esther 3:1)."

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz