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Megillah 2:4-5

Megillah 2:4

All are qualified to read the megillah except for a person with congenital deafness, a person lacking intellectual faculties and a minor; Rabbi Yehuda allows the megillah to be read by a minor. The following mitzvos may not be performed before sunrise on the day they are required: reading the megillah, circumcision, immersion and sprinkling for ritual purity, and the immersion of a woman observing a clean day corresponding to an unclean day. However, if any of these acts were performed after daybreak, they are valid (after the fact, even though performed before sunrise).

Megillah 2:5

The following mitzvos may be performed the entire day: reading the megillah and reciting Hallel, blowing shofar, taking the lulav, the musaf prayer and the musaf offering, the confession (of kohanim) over bulls, the confession made when bringing second tithe, the confession (of the Kohein Gadol) on Yom Kippur, laying hands on a sacrifice, slaughtering a sacrifice, waving the omer, bringing a flour offering near, taking the handful of flour, burning the handful of flour, severing the heads of bird offerings, receiving the blood of a sacrifice, sprinkling the blood, administering the bitter waters to a suspected adulteress, severing the heifer’s neck (in the case of an unsolved murder) and purifying a metzora (“leper”).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz